Friday, May 11, 2007

The Falcon

by Jackie French Koller

Luke Carver has a secret is a normal teenaged boy who thinks his parents are overprotective. When his teacher gives him an assignment to keep a journal of his thoughts or write about a significant event, Luke is surprised how many pages he dashes off—although he doesn’t believe his thoughts are particularly deep. Mostly he writes about his girlfriend, Megan, and how his parents worry about him constantly. They worry when he wrestles, drives a car, or climbs The Top-o’-the-World without safety gear. But what Luke likes is the rush of adrenaline that makes him feel alive, that makes him feel whole. I like how, as the story progresses, there are glimpses of something below the surface, something that makes Luke different, but you can’t quite tell what it is. Slowly, Luke comes to terms with his past, and at the same time, the reader discovers the deepest part of Luke’s problems.
The Falcon is a very real and touching story about bringing your most secret feelings into the light for better or for worse.

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