Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

or as my pen pal taught me to say it,

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig!

It's pronounced something like: ban-awk-tee na fail-a por-ick (with a very harsh "awk," almost like you're coughing).

Also, happy birthday to me! Being born today (and having a Gaelic first name) is really my only claim to being Celtic, but take what you can get, right?

Celebrations all around with Scythian's "dueling siblings" act, in which they choose a "random" person to play fiddle:

And with ETH's omigosh-awesome Lancaster Gate:


  1. Awesome vids. Thanks for giving me some fun tunes to torture my office mates. ;)

  2. It's your birthday? Happy Birthday!!! We just had a lot of people wearing green today.

  3. Hey. Your birthday!! Today!!

    HAPPIEST OF HAPPINESSES TO YOU, the most lovely Ink Mage I will ever know.

    (and even if your name were Deb, for example, you'd be top among my lovelies).


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